Last week was the culmination of some of the busiest weeks that I have had since we've been here: high energy days, working late into the night, and frequent last minute shopping trips. But what else could be expected when I decided to take on running an art camp for over 75 children?
Well really, it wasn't my decision at all. You see, I've had a lot of seemingly great ideas since we've been in Belize and a few have taken off into full on projects. There's one thing I've noticed with each and every one of
my great ideas, they were mine and mine alone, I never consulted God in the matter, I just did what I thought was right. Stubborn as I am it's taken me many months to really listen to what God has been trying to tell me all along. "Although your intentions may be good, they are not necessarily My intentions." How often do we all do that? We commence doing something or starting something new, without consulting God first, and yet we fully expect him to tag along for the ride. What kind of friend or daughter am I when I do that? Not a very good one that's for sure. God has been giving me umpteen reminders to just stop and listen to Him first--to do His will not mine--because only He can really know what's best for me. And finally, after reaching a point in my life where I've been completely broken down (Belize has not exactly been easy on me), I'm allowing him to build me back up because after all, God knows what's best for me and all He really wants is for me to listen and obey.
Rewind about 8 weeks. Our plan was in place for an end of July departure from Belize and yet I still had 2 tubs full of art supplies, just waiting to be used. Then one day I got this idea: what if I held an art camp after school got out? I immediately shunned the idea, thinking that there was no way I could handle such a task. Then the idea popped up more and more. Over the next 2 weeks I began to think about it often but it was then I realized that there was no way something like this could work out unless it was something that God willed me to do. So then I began to put it to prayer. The more I prayed the more I heard nothing, absolutely nothing. At times I would grow anxious, thinking that if this were something I was supposed to do then I was running out of time to plan. I mentioned it to my husband and he suggested I go to Mass and pray about it there. No way I said. Weekday mass is at 6:30 a.m. and I am NOT a morning person. So I kept praying and waiting...and waiting. Still no answer. As much as I wanted to start working on preparations I promised obedience and I tried ever so hard to trust, fully. Then I tried to reason, "God I have not even woken up that early this week. If you want me to go to Mass then you will just have to wake me up." Sure enough, the very next day, my eyes peeked open, I was suddenly wide awake. I looked at the clock: 6:07 a.m. Rats I thought, just enough time to get to Mass. As much as I wanted to roll over and head back to bed I knew that I was awake for a reason and now was not the time to disobey. I arrived at Mass just as it was beginning. Within a few minutes the first reading began and I began to listen, "How long will you straddle the issue, if the Lord is God follow him, if Baal, follow him. Lord...let it be known this day that you are God of Israel and I am your servant and have done all these things by your command. Answer me Lord! Answer me that this people may know that you Lord, are God, and that you have brought them back to their senses." Of which God commences to make himself known to the people and alas they respond, "The Lord is God, The Lord is God!" (1 Kgs 18:20-39) Wow, I had straddled the issue for quite some time and all He wanted was for me to follow Him--to
listen to Him. The Responsorial Psalm of that day continues on to say "Keep me safe oh God; you are my hope. You will show me the path to life, fullness of joys in your presence, the delights at your right hand forever." (full inclusion is Psalm 16: 1b-2ab, 4, 5ab, 8 & 11) I got the message loud and clear--all He wants of me is to wait on His timing and His Word and He will bless my actions in return.
And so, with just 2 weeks before school let out, I
began to plan for my first ever art camp--Camp Creative (yes I did just say 2 weeks). Don't get me wrong, I wasn't always perfect in my planning. That very same night I had the privilege of sleeping on the floor of the PG hospital tending to my 2 year old son who was recovering from a poisonous bite. While it was a true blessing that he was healthy and recovering, I began to cry as I thought of all the planning still involved with the upcoming camp and the seemingly awkward timing of this incident. And then I stopped and I remembered, if I continued to be obedient, God would continue to be in charge and all things would be taken care of. This happened numerous times over the next several weeks--God provided us with a whopping 60 campers registered, access to extra materials would run into snags, volunteers had only stepped forward in small numbers, and the fees we were charging for camp did not cover our costs. Of course I worked hard, very hard, to put the camp together (which could not have happened without my husband on my team as well) but as I continued to give it all up to God, the stress levels disappeared.
I've planned many elaborate events in the past, though none as large as a day camp. I've got a knack for details and can often plan and rework things to work out just perfectly--you might say I've been a tad guilty of micromanaging. This time, I really truly put God in charge and let Him worry about all the details.
On Monday morning, the first day of camp, I only knew for sure that there would be 2 volunteers to help corral at least 60 kids (I anticipated more would just show up that day), and was not sure that I could get all the supplies needed for both Thursday's and Friday's planned crafts. And yet, I still didn't worry. Not only did I know God was in charge, I let Him be in charge, and most importantly, I completely trusted. And as the morning commenced volunteers began to arrive: teachers, parents, godparents, Sunday school teachers, along with a handful of teenagers. All wanting to help. We ended up with over a dozen volunteers, 80 registered campers, and the supplies to complete each and every project. The children had an amazing time, parents came to tell us what an incredible experience this was for their children, kids begged us to hold a camp again next year. After camp was over, we had enough supplies left over to donate to teachers and volunteers to fully cover the surfaces of 3 cafeteria tables--supplies they could never get their hands on down here. Most rewarding of all, one of our teacher volunteers enjoyed the experience so much that she hopes to continue and expand the camp next year to include more campers (I'd only sent registration forms to one of the 4 schools in town)!
And THAT my friends is what it's all about--what my mission and purpose is here in Belize. God has taught me complete trust and obedience and I have worked to give the people here a hand up, not a hand out. I look forward to Camp Creative continuing on in future years and I only think that would be possible because I had put it in God's hands instead of just my own.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths." -Proverbs 3: 5-6
(Below is a slideshow of some of our great fun at camp. Many more pictures are on our mission facebook page. To see those just click on the facebook link on the top right of this webpage or the link here needn't be registered on facebook to view the page.)